The Internet allowed me to set up this site in 2005, start a business in 2006, leave my job in 2008, and to start travelling in 2014. Now it's 2019. And I continue to do what I want, where I want, when I want. And I remain extremely grateful for the amazing experiences that technology (as well … [Read more...]
My Business Affirmations
During the decade or so that I've been blogging I've usually steered clear from writing about "personal development". I've concentrated mainly on solid business subjects. However, business affirmations are in an interesting area where business and personal development coincide. It's … [Read more...]
Life, Death, and Good Deeds
This is a different kind of blog post. I won't be talking about business. This is personal. It's about a friend of mine who died recently. I live in Chiang Mai in northern Thailand. It's long been home to a community of western entrepreneurs. The community is only loosely connected. It would be … [Read more...]
From Desperation to “Living The Dream”
Think that you'll never have the life you'd dreamed of? Feel like you're just not good enough? I certainly didn't. I had shitty jobs for nearly 20 years. I used to get up in freezing cold winter mornings in London and go to work on crowded underground trains. Sometimes, I used to spend three … [Read more...]
Ordinary People Are Living Extraordinary Lives and So Can You!
Would you like to escape the daily grind, work anywhere, and enjoy a meaningful life? You can do it. It's perfectly possible whether you’re married with kids or single; old or young; entrepreneurial or employed. I have spoken to every possible type of location independent … [Read more...]
The New Freedom That’s Available To You Right Now
The new freedom is all around you. You can access the new freedom right now. The new freedom starts with a single thought. You can find the new freedom by deciding to do more meaningful and fulfilling work. You can find the new freedom by resolving to lead a better and happier life. It … [Read more...]
Please, DON’T Buy My Video Courses!
I've been writing on this website for 10 years about my business. I often get people who ask me for business advice. And that's flattering. Asking me questions benefits people when they get a (hopefully good) answer. It also benefits me. I get to know my audience so I can more successfully … [Read more...]
Suffering From “Monthly Income Envy”? Here’s Some Help
In all its 10 year history, has only had two guest posts. Why? Because the guest posts I get are usually crap. But this one isn't. Far from it. It's awesome and I've added to it a little bit as well. My friend Michal Stawicki explains how you can get over income envy and a lot more … [Read more...]
Free Your Thoughts: How I Re-Programmed Myself For Happiness And How You Can Too
I used to do unsatisfying jobs and didn,t aspire to anything better. I never questioned what I was doing. I never questioned why I wasn,t free to do what I wanted. Nor why I wasn,t happy. I was going to boring offices to do unfulfilling work, day after day, week after week, month after month, … [Read more...]
How To Leave Your Job And Work For Yourself Online
I wasted years of my life working for other people and doing things I didn't want to do. I couldn't even remember what I did from one day to the next. Weeks and months few by. It was all so meaningless. When I look back now, nearly a decade after cubicle life, I ask myself why it had to be … [Read more...]