I'm writing this from the crazy, cosmopolitan, liberal, vibrant German capital, Berlin, where I've just attended my first Digital Nomad Conference. So what is digital nomadism and remote working? What is a digital nomad? A digital nomad is someone who is location independent – they can work … [Read more...]
From Freelancer to Entrepreneur
From Wage Slave to Freelancer to Business Owner to Entrepreneur – simple, right? Speaking as someone who's feels like all of the above on any given day, I would say, no, it's not that simple. I became freelance because I didn't like working for companies. I set up my own business because I … [Read more...]
Freelance Designer or Design Business?
Are you a freelancer or an entrepreneur? This question occurred to me while talking to Alex Mathers from the RedLemonClub a site that offers advice for the freelance creative. There was a time when I called myself a "freelance graphic designer" and had that as the title of this site. I … [Read more...]
DMP 007: Marketing for Freelance Creatives with Alex Mathers
Download this podcast I'm really excited to welcome Alex Mathers to the Design and Marketing Podcast. Alex is a freelance illustrator who has been on my radar for many years primarily because of his excellent RedLemonClub site for freelance creatives. I joined his mailing list back in 2009 (I … [Read more...]
When and How to Outsource – 4 Essential Questions
I am often asked about the role outsourcing plays as part of my graphic design business. Do you take on a job from a European or American client, employ an Asian freelancer to do it and sit back and take the profits? Er, no! I have been outsourcing projects for years now and there's … [Read more...]
Freelance graphic design advice
Whether you're a rock star creative in a top-ten agency or a freelancer running a business from home on a shoestring, graphic design is an absorbing, all-encompassing practice. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and therefore disagreements occur and criticism can be hard to take. But it's a great … [Read more...]
How to get freelance graphic design jobs
One thing I am often asked by designers – old and new alike – is: "how do you get work" or "how do you get clients". Here are the principles and practices that I have used and found successful over the years. Put most of your effort into developing your own site Building and maintaining … [Read more...]
What you need to be a freelance graphic designer
I wasn't always a freelance graphic designer. I used to teach English to Brazilian businessmen but that's another story. I started by working for newspapers and magazines so my background is in print. By a mixture of application and good fortune I taught myself how to create usable, aesthetic, … [Read more...]
Free stock photography for a graphic designer
All graphic designers and people trying to create eye-catching imagery for print or web with have at some point used stock photography. Stock photography negates the need for hiring expensive photographers can license individual photos for specific uses. The two largest traditional stock … [Read more...]
Price quotes and estimates for graphic design
One of the most asked questions on graphic design forums is: "How much I should charge?" Well, the answer is, I don't know! But here is a list of my most recent price quotes. These design estimates include image sourcing and copy editing but assume images and most text have already been supplied or … [Read more...]
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