Do you want to try something new thats fun? I'm lovin' making and selling coloring books on Amazon! Have you got an eye for design or art? Or, even if you don't, do you want to exercise your creative muscles? Well, creating a coloring book for Amazon might just be your next big thing! Here's a … [Read more...]
How I Wrote My New Book With ChatGPT
At last! At long last! 3 months, 30,000 words, less than $200 ... and a lot of swearing ... oh, and ChatGPT (my faithful "co-author"). That's how I wrote my new book which is called: Enhancing Your Creative Potential: Re-Inventing Yourself For Relevance in the AI Age. It was a labour of … [Read more...]
How To Sell Notebooks And Low Content Paperback Books On Amazon KDP
This is the most fun I've had in business for a number of years! All I'm doing is uploading a couple of files and entering text. That's how you sell notebooks on Amazon! KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing) is Amazon's e-book publishing unit launched in 2007 at the same time as the first Kindle devices … [Read more...]
Create an ePub eBook with InDesign
The internet is awash with eBooks. It's easy to see why – they're fast, convenient and are a great way to consume and store reading material. They can be downloaded in seconds and many thousands can fit on a single USB stick. eBooks are also interactive, allowing you to search for text, make notes … [Read more...]