WordPress works pretty well "out of the box" when you install it. However, in order to ensure a properly working WordPress website, here are some plug-ins and essential extras. WordPress plugins are bits of software that can expand the functionality of a WordPress site. This is by no means a … [Read more...]
Speed Up Your WordPress Blog
Even people like me who are old enough to remember the great sound of a dial-up modem (when I listen to that I still feel excited!) know that there is a need for speed on the internet. The above video on speeding up WordPress is part of a course I'm doing on Udemy about blogging, optimization, … [Read more...]
How to Customize your WordPress Website
WordPress is constantly being upgraded, improved and securitized. You should change the functionality with plugins and the look with the theme so, whenever WordPress gets updated, the functionality and look of your site will remain whilst the engine that powers it gets an upgrade. The number one … [Read more...]