From Wage Slave to Freelancer to Business Owner to Entrepreneur – simple, right? Speaking as someone who's feels like all of the above on any given day, I would say, no, it's not that simple. I became freelance because I didn't like working for companies. I set up my own business because I … [Read more...]
Freelance Designer or Design Business?
Are you a freelancer or an entrepreneur? This question occurred to me while talking to Alex Mathers from the RedLemonClub a site that offers advice for the freelance creative. There was a time when I called myself a "freelance graphic designer" and had that as the title of this site. I … [Read more...]
What you need to be a freelance graphic designer
I wasn't always a freelance graphic designer. I used to teach English to Brazilian businessmen but that's another story. I started by working for newspapers and magazines so my background is in print. By a mixture of application and good fortune I taught myself how to create usable, aesthetic, … [Read more...]
How to market yourself #5: How to optimize your WordPress site for search engines
This is the fifth in the series where I explain how an individual or small or medium sized organization can get themselves noticed in the big bad world. Other installments explained how to set up a web site from scratch, how to install WordPress and what to write on your site. Before we … [Read more...]