About a month ago I logged into Facebook to find that my Facebook business page was unpublished. As you can see above, here was one button where I could "Disagree With Decision". I clicked it but that went to an orphan page saying only: "we’re reviewing this decision although we are short … [Read more...]
8 Reasons To NOT Become An Entrepreneur (And 9 Reasons Why You Should)
If you want to become an entrepreneur, your mind plays tricks on you. Can I compete against or successfully leverage the Facebooks, Googles and Amazons of the world? What happens if I can't make enough money? Am I even capable of this? There will also be unforeseen issues. Google slaps, Facebook … [Read more...]
Increase Facebook Page Likes 2x In One Month With These Image Quotes
I am a Facebook novice. And yet I've organically increased my Facebook Page Likes by 100% in the last month due to the strategic use of image quotes. I started my Facebook Page in 2012 and vaguely posted my latest articles and left it at that. The organic increase in Likes was painfully … [Read more...]
Make Facebook Picture Quotes
If you are in a public place at the moment, look around you. Do you see people? Do you see phones? What are they doing on their phones? Pound to a penny, they are scrolling through social media updates. That's what people do these days. And, as Gary Vaynerchuk says, "Social media sells … [Read more...]
Adding Social Media Share Buttons in WordPress – HTML and CSS
We all want our web pages to be seen by as many people as possible. And while writing top quality content remains a great way to do this, enabling your visitors to share content through social media has become an excellent way to drive traffic. Just so that we're all on the same page, there are … [Read more...]
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