I've been in online business for over 15 years. I absolutely adored my business. And now, for the last year or so, I haven't done any work. Before I continue, here's a video of me explaining in slightly more detail what's in this article. If you prefer to listen and watch rather than read, this … [Read more...]
Possibly My Weirdest Year Ever – Review of the Year
My life has taken a few strange turns. I started a business in 2006 which changed my world. My marriage failed in 2012 and I left the UK for Thailand in 2014. More changes – as David Bowie would say, "Turn and face the strange". If you don't know who David Bowie is, leave this site immediately … [Read more...]
10 Rules For Online Business Success
I’ve been running an online business for 10 years. I've only ever invested a few hundred dollars into it (mostly website set-up costs in 2005) and, from that, I've grown a business that has six figures annual revenue. I did all this without putting any extra money into the business (apart from that … [Read more...]
8 Reasons To NOT Become An Entrepreneur (And 9 Reasons Why You Should)
If you want to become an entrepreneur, your mind plays tricks on you. Can I compete against or successfully leverage the Facebooks, Googles and Amazons of the world? What happens if I can't make enough money? Am I even capable of this? There will also be unforeseen issues. Google slaps, Facebook … [Read more...]
My Monthly Expenses
On this blog I publish my passive income reports every three months. I'd found great value and inspiration from other bloggers who publish earnings online – Pat Flynn springs to mind as the best example – so I thought I'd do something similar. So on 12th July 2012, I wrote my first passive income … [Read more...]
Freelance Designer or Design Business?
Are you a freelancer or an entrepreneur? This question occurred to me while talking to Alex Mathers from the RedLemonClub a site that offers advice for the freelance creative. There was a time when I called myself a "freelance graphic designer" and had that as the title of this site. I … [Read more...]
Annual Passive Income and Business Goal Report 2013
Here is an end-of-year assessment of my "improvement" or "progress" with my passive income and business. Ever since this time last year, I've been more serious about setting goals and passive income targets and I've been sharing them here on my blog. Half way through the year, I reported on my … [Read more...]
DMP 004: Running Your Business On Holiday
Ever since reading The 4-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss a few years ago I've been fascinated by the location independent lifestyle. It has occurred to me many times that, apart from the odd occasion I go to meet clients, I can pretty much do my job anywhere in the world. So, I'm … [Read more...]
Running Your Own Business & Doing Accounts
Let's just get this straight. This is not a boring article. Running your own business is sexy. Accounting is sexy. As a business owner, you'll have a more challenging life. And, you'll contribute more to the wider economy, as you will buy other goods and services for your company and you may even … [Read more...]
My Passive Income and Business Report
We are three quarters through the year now. It's time to assess my passive income and business plan and time to see if I hit my targets. Targets are good for lazy cats and dreamers like me. My passive income My passive income for the first half of the year was $3331.00. I earned this passive … [Read more...]
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