We all love our business gurus. I'm the same as any entrepreneur, I regularly keep up-to-date with blogs, read Kindles and listen to podcasts from successful and internet-famous business types. And, why not? These people would charge a small fortune for business coaching but you can get the … [Read more...]
How To Leave Your Job And Work For Yourself Online
I wasted years of my life working for other people and doing things I didn't want to do. I couldn't even remember what I did from one day to the next. Weeks and months few by. It was all so meaningless. When I look back now, nearly a decade after cubicle life, I ask myself why it had to be … [Read more...]
Not Blogging? You Must Read This!
Blogging is without doubt the most effective marketing tool for a business. It is easy, cheap and powerful. And yet there is resistance to it. One of the major frustrations of the last few years has been my inability to persuade my clients to blog consistently. Here are the most common "excuses" … [Read more...]
Emailing Blog Posts with a MailChimp RSS Campaign
No internet marketing strategy is complete without email campaigns. Sending regular branded emails to a subscriber with top quality content will build recognition and loyalty like almost nothing else online. A great way to do this is with AWeber. But you can do it for free with with MailChimp if … [Read more...]
How to Blog for Business
For me, blogging isn't about making money from advertising, affiliate marketing and selling products. It's not about that for the majority of bloggers either. But it is about business. All of my current clients have either contacted me through my website or are a result of a recommendation … [Read more...]
Using Featured Images in WordPress
The thumbnail featured images on this blog, both on the home page and in the footer, are automatically created by the Streamline theme on the Genesis framework (affiliate links). But these featured images can be coded into any theme and I tell you how to do this here. Featured Images in … [Read more...]
15 essential tasks to complete after installing WordPress
WordPress is a blog publishing platform that can be used to run many different types of website. Every time I install WordPress I run through the same geeky routine to ensure that it is well-functioning and easily discovered. So, aside from the theme (the way the website looks) and the content … [Read more...]
Essentials of great blog post design
Blogs are, in my opinion, the easiest and best way to get stuff on the web. With a blog you can publish constantly updated information about yourself, your company or your interests to the world. And what makes it even better is that this information is chronologically ordered and categorized for … [Read more...]
How to market yourself #7: How to write and design a WordPress page or post
Constantly updated quality content is the mainstay of any website or blog. I have already described how to set up a WordPress.org blog and what to write about when you have one. Here,s the "how to" for those new-ish to WordPress... There are three things to remember when you are writing: Make … [Read more...]
How to market yourself #5: How to optimize your WordPress site for search engines
This is the fifth in the series where I explain how an individual or small or medium sized organization can get themselves noticed in the big bad world. Other installments explained how to set up a web site from scratch, how to install WordPress and what to write on your site. Before we … [Read more...]