This article is massively out-of-date and virtually everything said in it is now incorrect but it is useful to show how quickly things can change in this area!
If you now type “freelance graphic designer and artworker in London” into Yahoo! I’m number one. In Google I’m hundred and fifty something!
I’m trying to do reciprocal links to get my PageRank up. I’m a massive 1 out of 10 at the moment. If anybody is interested in trading reciprocal links with me then get in touch.
Philip says
I know the feeling buddy…. I have a similar situation, however the difference rankings is much less.
I’m up for doing a link trade with you bro, hey we can even bounce seo and design work of each other!
Rob Cubbon says
If you want to trade links please contact me, although I’m not convinced of the benefit of reciprocal linking, although 3-way linking is probably still a good idea.